Thank you to everybody who showed up to make Turkish Star Wars & More the most successful Evil Film School event yet!
Special thanks to Eric Fell, Dan Hershfield, Kayla Lorette, Shaun Stewart and Pearce Visser for supplying the funny during “Turkish Star Wars”. You guys rock.
Other extra special thanks go out to Shawn Conner & the Georgia Straight for their recent profile of Evil Film School. Thanks for spreading the word about our little night.
I also wanted to thank Irma & the gang at
Hi-Sci-Fi for having me as a guest on their July 6th show. I had fun & look forward to hearing the podcast.
And of course, thank you to Yuriko & everybody at Blim, including their awesome volunteers for helping to make sure everything keeps running smoothly.
Our next event (get there early to guarantee yourself a seat):
Evil Film School Presents: Lucha Horror!
Friday, July 27th
Doors: 7pm
Admission: $5 - $10 Sliding Scale based on what you can pay
7:30 pm:
Curse of the Aztec Mummy [1957] – Reincarnated princes, evil doctors, ancient curses and a masked wrestler named El Angel abound in the second installment of the adventures of love-struck mummy Popoca.
9:00 pm:
Santo and Blue Demon Versus the Monsters [1970] – Watch Santo and sometimes sidekick Blue Demon battle a Vampire, a weird Mexican version of Frankenstein’s monster, a Mummy, the Wolfman and a Cyclops!
And time permitting, an extra special bonus film! Hurray!
I also wanted to remind everybody that Evil Film School is seeking submissions for the 2nd Annual Monster Mash this October. We need horror shorts, 20 mins max to include in the shorts program to play before our feature presentation. Submissions can be on DVD/DVD-R or VHS, but please do not send originals as they will not be returned. Be sure to include your name & contact info including email address. Only films chosen for inclusion in the Monster Mash program will be contacted, but even if you don’t make the October cut you could still be included in future EFS programs. Submissions can be sent to:
Evil Film School
c/o Mariko McDonald
#5 – 2230 E. Hastings St.
Vancouver, BC V5L 1V4
To be considered for inclusion in the Monster Mash Program your submission must be received by September 1, 2008. There is no cost to submit your film & you will receive no financial compensation.
For more info please email evilfilmschool@ gmail.com